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I ordered of amazon two ' sunset lamps '. Ideally the colours of the lights would be more purple than blue with the pink. If I had more time in the project I would of experimented with colour gel filters to have a better light payoff and more control over the colour. 


However I am extremely happy with how the augmented reality experience finalised. I divided up my illustration layers on photoshop and then placed these into the gallery space in Holden gallery. I applied the animated behaviours like my experiments to give them more life. 


I wanted to create a compilation video of my adobe aero footage to play alongside my room 2 audio I have created  in Logic Pro. 

This took a lot longe than expected as many of the videos were white glitchy due to the tracking on the augmented reality moving and not staying fixed at times. This took a lot of editing and fine tuning, as I wanted the visuals to be calming and have flow through experiencing the AI, and this is also quite a difficult thing to do with jolty iPad videography. 

The video above shows me placing my compilation with my audio and I felt it was too intense and loud and not the right calming effect I wanted for this room paired with the lights and AI. So I made the decision to use a part of the audio that I created to showcase how I would adapt the audio to be consistent to my final audio cut if I were to have more time to develop this. 

final walkthrough with new audio

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