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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is defined as having flashbacks, upsetting memories, and anxiety following a traumatic event. It was first officially recognized as a mental health condition in 1980, only five years after the end of the Vietnam War.


For hundreds of years, these symptoms have been described under different names in soldiers from many wars. However, Vietnam Veterans with these symptoms were the first to have the term ‘PTSD’ applied to them. Despite the passage of 50 years since the war, for some Vietnam Veterans, PTSD remains a chronic reality of everyday life

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Mark Fossie 

- ' sweetheart of the song Tra Bong ' book

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as my project its focusing on the trauma of of the Vietnamese war and the conflict the soldiers must of felt mentally whilst experiencing this, I felt representing the ' erosion of identity ' and PTSD was very important 

I created nomad sculpt three dimensional shapes ( as my response its going to be quite abstract and disjointed, with bizarre colours and collage of moving image visuals ) that I felt perfectly represented how memories and experiences are abstract and different within your brain. And to have these eroding, like their sense of their former self before there war effort. 

I think this is a very simple visual representation but powerful and devastating, and fits into my conflict of visuals due to not being a traditional war memorial, therefore will hopefully be more memorable 

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This was just a three dimensional typeface I created for a perosnal project a while ago hence the word used ' Suki ". But I wanted to experiment with bringing in the same technique of eroding the typeface. Really like how this looks, however   I don't want the visuals to be too similar in the typeface and within the video as I want my responses to show the fragmentation and craziness of the brain and how memories are disjointed and presented to you in different ways. 

However I like the three dimensional effect of the text as it seems bold and oppressive like negative internal monologue is like. So this is a concept I will keep in mind for the rest of th project 

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