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Da 5 bloods 

( in my padlet research )

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found  imagery

from the Vietnamese war 

my inspirationn



I wanted to experiment with the programme for the first time. I used the already made drawings and shapes too create this jungle inspired environment. From the visuals of Da 5 bloods and the Vietnamese war in a broader sense.

I used a combination of real plants and digital plants and I really liked this juxtaposition. I want to incorporate this element within my final experience


the software was easy to use 

and creating 'behaviours' to create movement was straight forward. These simple experiments allowed me to work my way around the programme 


I just scanned in the floor area this these experiments but you can scan in walls. Therefore I could create a whole room experience which could resemble a feeling like "hyper reality "

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having the objects like the leaves to move around makes the experience more chaotic and visually overwhelming - which is the feeling I want to recreate within the soldiers manipulated mind 

so therefore creating foam/ wood structures to projection map onto around the experience would make it feel even more a distortion of reality. As that Is what Hanoi Hannah was creating with her manipulative and propaganda techniques, a distortion of reality 

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