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- vr painting

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I decided to Instagram message Manards, a fictional designer combining his background in graffiti, classical fine arts, and graphic design in his unique portfolio. I came across his work on Behance and was instantly mesmerised. I couldn’t find a lot of information about his processes and his workflow so decided to message him on instagram. He provided me a lot of useful information and I will continue to use this research to delve into this project further. The main link between his work and my brief is that he creates his futuristic three dimensional design from a reconfiguration he creates of famous “grandmaster” paintings in the idea of them centuries ago actually being exposed to computer softwares and programmes. This is a real life example of juxtapositioning analogue and digital works from existing traditional pieces to something completely new. The original painting therefore being analogue and Manards design being digital.


Below is an instagram conversation I had with him a year ago for another project. But it relates very well to my current self negotiated brief 

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Links to my Salvador Dhali research and the development work using virtual reality. 

day project

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We were set a one day project to create a moving image response in a group to a word that starts with "RE" . I chose ' re- imagine ' as this felt fitting to my project of reconstruction of unused spaces and also my interest in newer technologies to create visual works. 

This was a really fun project and made us realise how fast we can actually create artworks when we don't overthink what we are creating. We had no time to research we just had to create 

Being able to see other peoples work for the project was also really informative and good for sparking ideas. 

This is what I created. I am happy with how fast I sculpted this response.  How we have been in the process of ' reimagining ' humanity through artificial intelligence and advanced programming and innovation. Also with prosethics in amputee patients.  I wanted to use 3D as after researching into Manards and Dhali,  I knew this was a medium I wanted to include within my final piece. 

If I had more time however I would of focused and experimented on the colour palette more. Also I would off chosen a different typeface as it looks quite jarring with the final imagery. 



However I further decided to develop this to my preferred HDRI and colouring in Nomad software and post this on my instagram. This then triggered a collaborative that I am currently in the process in doing, with a designer from Egypt I really admire. It has been a really fun collaborative process 

collaboration messages: 


Very rough and in the development stages, but the end product is going to be a 3 part post series with moving image, still and clothing items !

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