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When I went on holiday inSpain I visited the Dhali museum as it felt this was very relevant to my work. The gallery itself was an art piece. Bringing architecture into design which connects to my brief 

He designed the museum himself with a team of builders and architects in the 90s. He had a huge role in the layout and structure of the gallery, and how his art work could relate to the building itself. With pieces on the steps and doorways that looked like open mouths 


varied work


The shear vastness of work Dhali created within his lifetime I found the most interesting. When you automatically think of his art pieces the melting clocks come to mind. He actually ventured in many other techniques such as laser projection ( below ), a lot of sculpture work and war paintings that were very experimental and resembled a lot of modern art today. The techniques that spurred me the most was his earlier career as an artist, where he delved into still life and portraiture that resembles traditional paintings of the 1700s in the enlightenment era and reinnascience. This I found so interesting when comparing it to his most famous abstract quirky work. This then led to the idea of using VR tilt brush to re sculpt the floorpan of the mill and the layout of the rooms. This is a technology that creates quite abstract visuals and more on the bizarre end of textures such as glowing orbs and hyper colour paint. I felt this was an interesting route, channeling dhali to explore ways I could turn usual architecture visual imagery on its head.

Dhali was very ahead of his time, and this was further confirmed to me from visitng his gallery. His abstract use of bright colour and mixture of techniques I personally really relate to and I think is similar to my bizarre way of working. Possibly this is due to my fine art background? But it really made me wonder wether Dhali if he was exposed to all this creative technology we have access too in the current day, what craziness would he create? 

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