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following on from my exploration into ' the mill ' industrial building. I found the concept of the space being very interesting.

Therefore this lead me onto exploring liminal spaces, and  are a concept that fascinates me. Places where you recognise like ' shopping centres ' ' garden centres ' ' office blocks ' that look eerie and uncanny as a whole to everyone who experiences the image. Due to dark lighting and poor quality, as transitional space like a corridor or a room without an escape route ( windows and doors ). These have an original life as a space that is well known and familiar, but changed / distorted when the photo is taken, due to time of day, lighting, the lack of people.

idea 1


AI generated imagery

I typed in ' Liminal spaces ' into a augmented reality iPhone software that combines imagery together to create a layered response. These felt very uncanny especially the colour palette reminded me a lot of the photography of liminal spaces and backrooms from the reddit page I showcase above

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I ran these through photomosh to create moving image outcomes

google maps artists that create 360 Image spheres and place these into google maps coordinates to shock viewers. This is a good example or combining reality with digital 

liminal spaces within video games : almost like a hour game. Want to explore the uncanny feeling of looking at computer generated people within game design and movies such as the ' Polar Express ' as this triggers a uneasy feeling within the brain due to looking realistic but slightly off.

primary photography 


petrol stations are also classed as liminal space as it is the in-between of what is and the next. A space that creates the journey between point A to B, but doesn't hold much space in your memory as much as your previous and future destination 

I Have always found petrol stations weirdly beautiful, especially at night with the artificial lighting within the looming darkness ( which is a crucial element of a liminal space also )

surrounding - all my photogpraphy 

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why this isn't 

too much lighting

- pastel, warm ambient lighting 

- petrol stations only classify as liminal spaces if they are in darkness and the only light is artificial

too much sign of movement from the car in the foreground of the image

too much nature and natural things

- again needs to be artificial 

< also my photo - love to take photos

of petrol stations - this one has been my iPhone background photo for months :D

the mill textures

from primary imagery

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again ran through photomosh so I could experriment with some moving visuals 

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experiment 1

I photoshopped  these photos by cutting the background of and then inversion the colours on procreate to make these weird, trippy pastel colour palette.

I think from doing this experiment I really like the layering of material and textures, however the editing is a bit choppy and doesn't look smooth enough for music visuals.

The inverted colour palette helps to solidify the element of recongisation of the environment but distorted and ' inverted '

screenshots ^

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