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group crit

I wanted to create moving image visuals to layer in a video jocking software. I have watched  YouTube tutorials about  a software called Resolume. However after the group crit above it became clear to me that I still needed refinement to my idea, and more of a specified direction and message my work is trying to communicate. However I still wanted to record these experiments . The virtual reality videos I created below ( on tilt brush )  I took inspiration from the liminal space colour palette, and each virtual reality space I designed using my brothers headset to include elements of an abandoned/ derelict building and/or industrial buildings, pipes etc. 

However I really enjoyed using this software and it is something I will definetly use within my future work. For this specific project it wasn't as precise enough and Adam brought up a good point that the buildings look like they could be representing any abandoned building anywhere, therefore loosing the link towards the Mill. However this did bring up the idea of incorporating multiple abandoned buildings in Manchester within my exploration, not just one specific building. 

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what the joysticks look like in the virtual reality software 

Includes 3D development work I've created for this project ^ in the next website page 

After-effects further development 

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I wanted to experiment with intruding the photography representing the 

human element and editing this in a interesting way to interact with the 

virtual reality elements. This took a lot of steps and was very time consuming. 

I like the final look, but I want to explore other visual concepts.It feels a nit clunky.

Marshmallow laser feast

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Marshmallow Laser Feast one of the world’s leading experiential art collectives. Their work illuminates the hidden natural forces that surround us, inviting participants to navigate within a sensory perception beyond their daily experience. In these spaces, the known physical world is removed to reveal networks, processes and systems that are at once sublime, underpinned by research, and fundamental to life on Earth.


Existing in the liminal space between art, science and technology, it blurs the boundaries of installation, live performance and virtual reality and enchants the everyday world by revealing the natural forces that exist around us.

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notes I collected from research into the studio

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VR experience

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marshmallow laser feasts eye of the animal immersive VR experience at END festival.  A strong link to my project development. Multi sensory experience enhance our memory of an experience, so is a good educational tool also. 

Ersin Han Ersin talk

Within my dissertation I studied multi sensory design and one of the studios I heavily research into was Marshmallow laser feast. I was lucky enough to be able to speak to the creative director of the studio and ask him questions about their design process and how they focus on multi sesory experience within their installations and experiences.

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My rough copies of what he said :

A lot of my research concluded that virtual reality experiences enhance you receptors and the messages that travel to your brain. Therefore heighten the amount of information you take in, making an experience more memorable. 

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