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A no background.png
spread 8.png

changed my notes guide for publication round in order. This was meant to be the 9th spread but ive change it now to the 8th as I feel the other topics should be after due to there traumatic topics. 

- blowing out the candle, imagery then getting a lot darker in blue colour - preparing the viewer for traumatic viewing 

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key words : blue candle mommy fetish - from franks mommy fetish within the movie 

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8 x 3.png
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8 x 4.png
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aware design.png

naturally if I am visually discussing the darkness surrounding sex and sexual assault more specifically, rape ( which occurs in the movie ) should be shown in the following double page spreads. I started to research into this and found footage from other movies that depict this. However I felt more and more like I do not have enough time left in this project to tackle such a big topic respectfully.this is something that should be tackled with caution, and i don't think I would be able to depict this the way I would like due to spending time on other parts of my publication. So I chose to follow the route of sexual fetishes more and visually showing darkness with sex and the movie through colour palette and distressing videos ( in a more abstract approach )

I still plan to place a trigger warning at the start of the publication to ensure everyone is informed before experiencing the publication

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final spread.png
candle light style.png
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playing with the lights and darks ( shadows like the visuals are light with a candle ) also has an abstract view of looking at the visuals through a lens / window - bystander effect

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Screenshot 2022-03-12 at 12.24.27.png

bizarre sexual fetishes like Franks

mommy and baby fetish in Blue velvet .

And his ' eat velvet ' to Dorothy 

new text colour 

- so legible

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final spread.png
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grain gone up by 2

final screenshot.png
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haven't chosen yet

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The final screenshot if you haven't picked

up already needs to include :

- something sexual relating to subject of spread

-and then visuals to accompany this ( can't just 

be the candle visuals

- as I want it to be prevalent that it is a publication

revolving around the subject matter of sex and blue velvet

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