key words : blue pornhub
scan lines effect - more digitalised as this spread is surrounding pornhub and cam girling
- adding bulge effect to give the feel of a computer screen
adding a soft glitch to digitalise
- also the shaking of a glitch makes the visuals a little more distressing to view = publication getting heavier
making the grids
more and more structured
- starting to lack freedom
- starting to lack free will
realised I wanted a computer screen on the spread
]I wanted to use a older MacBook
model to make the user feel like
they are going on a journey
through the times of sex,
and a lot of my collaged film footage previous
has been older footage = so I thought it was
look too purple
- change in aftereffects below
scan lines effect added over the top instead of grain to give the illusion of a computer screen
Haven't chosen yet
colours borderline purple - but I like how it looks like more of electric digitised blue as it is all online