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A no background.png
iphone scan website.png

attempt at artivive 

I was originally going to use AI to bring the spreads to life. However the software wasn't working every time I tried it throughout the project. When I attempted to upload the coordinated video to a picture of the spread on artivive it would come up with an unknown error. I tried lowering the file size, changed locations for the image of the spreads, and still no luck. If I had more time I would of tried pushing this further and adapting the videos to work. However after deciding to produce the book printing and binding I felt it was more effective to use barcodes to access the videos for each spread in the time frame I have.

Screenshot 2022-03-09 at 01.19.37.png

It is also easier for the user with a barcode as they do not need to download artivive to experience the videos 

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Screenshot 2022-03-09 at 02.13.55.png

I used wix to create the iPhone website. It is a simple user friendly design . As each barcode I produced takes you straight to the spread website page and showcases the video and the option to go forward to the next spread or back. 

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opening page 

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closing page

ending page final.png

The phone website header is from my blender piece I created and showcased on spread 1. I eroded it in staged then took photos to give the illusion of a personality deteriorating and getting wounded referencing to emotional trauma of being stuck in sexual violence and of Dorothy being trapped in a circle of sexual assault by Frank in Blue velvet. 

final iPhone website flow

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