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Blue has more complex and contradictory meanings than any other color.  These can be easily explained by pinpointing by the specific shade of blue.


Dark blue: trust, dignity, intelligence, authority

Bright blue: cleanliness, strength, dependability, coolness
(The origin of these meanings arise from the qualities of the ocean and inland waters, most of which are more tangible.)

Light (sky) blue: peace, serenity, ethereal, spiritual, infinity 
(The origin of these meanings is the intangible aspects of the sky.)

Most blues convey a sense of trust, loyalty, cleanliness, and understanding. On the other hand, blue evolved as symbol of depression in American culture. “Singing the blues” and feeling blue” are good examples of the complexity of color symbolism and how it has been evolved in different cultures.

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Colour psychology: blue means clean or pure The idea of pureness is associated with both water and the sky (fresh air). The color theory of blue connects to the idea of cleanliness. Many brands use blue for a pure, almost medical feel.

In the U.S., blue is frequently cited as a favorite color. Even if it’s not your favorite color, very few people dislike blue, making it a safe and likable choice. Maybe that’s why social networks Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn in all use blue in their logos.

Blue is the favorite color of all people. It’s nature’s color for water and sky, but is rarely found in fruits and vegetables. Today, blue is embraced as the color of heaven and authority, denim jeans and corporate logos. It is cold, wet, and slow as compared to red’s warmth, fire, and intensity.

Blue is the #1 favorite color of all people.

53% of the flags in the world contain blue.

Greeks believe that blue wards off "the evil eye.

The English “to feel blue” has no equivalent in other languages while in German “blau sein” (literally: to be blue) means to be drunk or in Russian “голубой” (literally: light blue) means to be homosexual.

Dark blue is the color of mourning in Korea.

The god Krishna has blue skin.

Shades of blue are described as shallow or deep instead of light or dark in China.

Blue is for a baby girl; pink for a baby boy in Belgium.

“Prince Charming” is called “The Blue Prince” in Italy and Spain.


Blue is for a baby girl; pink for a baby boy in Belgium.

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interesting idea of opposites to traditional expectations:

experiment into this  

Blue is sharply refracted by the eyes. This causes the lens to flatten and to push the blue image back. We perceive that blue areas are receding and smaller.

The same refraction causes visual fog if used excessively in interior spaces.

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Blue has very few connections to taste or smell. Therefore it may act as an appetite suppressant. 

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Unfortunately, there are many “pseudo studies” that suggest that blue rooms can calm or depress people. Under closer scrutiny none of these have stood up. However, there’s lots of money to be made telling people otherwise.

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IMG_6520 2.HEIC

very sexualised movie - focuses of sexual fetishes, sexual assault, id, ego superego 

normal association with sex - red 

= what if I contrasted that 

Director : David Lynch 

release date : 1987

A portrait of a man's descent into a nightmarish sexual underworld following his discovery of a severed ear. 

blue usually evokes feelings of calmness, purity, trust - what if my publication created the concept of a world where blue was classed as the colour of sex, lust and love 

blue light district, blue wine ( instead of red ), blue lipstick, blue tight dress, blue porn vintage porn magazines, etc.

- also could use blue velvet as the cover of the publication, and emboss text on 

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darker side of movie - goes from lighter to darker colours in the publication 

experimetn one.png
_ date night _.png

Why this hasn't worked?

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I enjoyed experimented with this art direction style of image making and working. This is something I don't usually do and was a good experiment to partake in. The reason to why we do experiments is to work out where our strengths lie and wether this technique is a food route in representing our graphic communication. 

Using the influence of sex, and turning this on its head with the colour palette of blue, I wanted to create a romantic date aesthetic, or drunken night ( however you want to take it ) and changing it from blue wine instead of red. 

I don't think this works as well as fro example my moving image making which is showcased on the loading screen of this website. I think the image is too static and doesn't represent any movement. From speaking to my tutor, she highlighted to me my skillset is within distortions and moving image. So this is the route I want to follow down more. Perhaps creating moving image from found footage, then distorting, zooming in, etc to create screens-shotted images that I can layer and collage within my publication

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I edited the images above in photomosh to make them distorted and moving. Then saved them as png's. Even though I don't want to follow through with this art direction of objects idea, it was a good development into the concept of moving elements and then creating images. 

candles and lid .png
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I separated the layers individually on photoshop so I could run them through photomosh and aftereffects to create a moving image layered/ collage effect.

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Playing on the idea of blue traditionally being associated 

with corporate, business identities. What if love, the most complicated, layered, emotionally and flamboyant thing being simplified down to a black a white response. Which is where mathematics comes in. Maths has no free will, it has a right and wrong answer, which is the complete contrast of love. So this idea / experiment still stays on the theme of contrast but in a different sense 

love as an equation.png
IMG_6473 3.HEIC
coprerate logos .png
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3d printer.png

This idea sparked from seeing my dads screen on the left, of his 3D printer. I was just captivated by the code typography and the vibrancy of the blue colour. I love the look of code, for example in the matrix and how they use this visual throughout the movie.

- good typography style to use throughout the publication, and can be rough to life and moving image by visually having the code typed out and bleed onto the pages

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Therefore I created this quick sketch below on procreate and changed the colours to match the colours of the screen above

I like how the only connotation you have to identify this as not just a maths question in a test paper, is the heart. This completely works on the idea of juxtaposition and I find this very interesting

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combining idea 1 and 2.png
love code 2 .PNG

I created a basic grid layout wireframe to suggest where a title and text could be on a double page spread. Below is what the printed publication could look like

date night publication .png
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I used a combination of after-effects and photomosh to distort all the videography above in my experiments. Then in after-effects using dimetric colour tint I changed the imagery to a more vibrant blue colour to provide a more prominent blue colour palette 

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Above is what the publication could look like if I utilised scanning softwares where the snapshot imagery comes to life and starts to move

adding a blue filter.png
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for each of the colours I created these videography responses initially, as showcased one my website landing page. The one above is made up of blue velvet movie scenes that I distorted using aftereffects lens filter and then placed a three dimesnional shape I created on blender then fed through photomosh


This was effective as in tutor group, Su was the most intrigued by these visuals within my presentation and has spurred me onto continue to develop this idea. Hence the experiments above 

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Even though I don't think I want to pursue the art direction photography route with objects specifically, I am glad I have continued to develop these images into the possible moving image - publication route I am interested to go down in this project 

I am planning to research more into blue movies, visit porn shops, find sex icons and generally source more found footage to distort and make my own, this has sparked me to possibly take my own primary photographs at a burlesque night, or something similar to use within the publication

logo colour theory.png
coco cola blue.png
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biritsh heart foundation.png

these all seems wrong in the wrong colours. As the colour palette is used to help identification of a brand : therefore the term brand identity comes about : I want this similar effect on the concept of sex, and the identity of this '  if you will '

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